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With personal savings on the line, 该客户找到了一种设备解决方案,其成本仅为可能价格的五分之一,却产生了意想不到的结果.
An Edmonton, 位于艾伯塔省的开发商设计并完成了一个独特的第一阶段, natural, 和环保目的地户外婚礼和特殊活动场地称为黑曜石岭. 整个项目仅用两台小型小松挖掘机就完成了, SMS设备在提供销售和服务方面发挥了重要作用.
Obsidian Ridge opened in September 2019, thanks to versatile, 业主/运营商Layson LaFayette表示,可靠的设备和顶级的服务.
Setting and design
Project background

Setting and design

The design was purely intuitive, 重要的是要利用现有的地形:天然山谷, ridges, and areas that flowed and collected water. Roads had to be along the natural hard ground ridges. It was critical to have the property flow, like nature.

为了达到理想的对称,设计从中心开始,在地面上插一根木桩. Everything was to be built off that centre point, including the main amphitheater, water features, pathways, and a fire pit.

For convenience, practicality, and safety, vehicle access was built into the design; to facilitate seniors, the handicapped, 以及搭建和拆除活动帐篷和设备.

Equipment Selection Factors

For building the roads, a blade was required, 由强大的动力和良好的牵引力提供至少总重量30,000 lbs.
And above all, 可靠性和可靠性是最重要的——它需要在钥匙转动的时候启动,并且可以毫无问题地运行一整天.
The Fleet

The Fleet

LaFayette拜访了设备经销商,并考虑了几家制造商的型号,最后选定了SMS设备和小松挖掘机. 他说经销商的销售代表很好,反应迅速, answered his questions quickly and clearly; calling it “a good experience right from the get-go.” He compared other manufacturers as well. 但他从SMS Equipment获得的系统“真正敲定了这笔交易”.”
With their consultation, Obsidian决定最具成本效益的解决方案是首先购买小松PC138挖掘机, and later as needs grew, add the PC88. The two units fully met their requirements for the project.


小松开创了紧尾摆动设计,并进一步优化了Tier 4 Final PC138USLC-11. 有了这个挖掘机,你可以在一条车道上工作,而不会干扰到另一条车道. Beyond its tight swing capability, PC138USLC-11具有与大多数标准竞争性挖掘机相似的挖掘和提升能力. 六种工作模式和高效的小松发动机和液压技术有助于使新的PC138USLC-11比以前的型号燃油效率提高4%.
Emission Rating: Tier 4 Final
Net Horsepower: 97.20 HP @2,050 rpm (72.50 kW @2,050 rpm)
Max Operating Weight: 35,114 lb (15,682 kg)
Max Bucket Capacity: 1 yd3 (0.76 m3)
Max Digging Depth: 18′ (5480 mm)

Explore the PC138USLC-11


小松PC88MR-10是中小型挖掘机之间的纽带. The PC88MR-10 has a swing boom, tight tail swing, 三个轨道选择和回填刀片像一个小挖掘机, 但它的可靠性和耐用性与大型挖掘机相当.
Emission Rating: Tier 4 Final
Net Horsepower: 65.50 HP @1,950 rpm (48.80 kW @1,950 rpm)
Max Operating Weight: 19,290 lb (8,750 kg)
Max Bucket Capacity: 0.26 yd3 (0.20 m3)
Max Digging Depth: 15′ (4565 mm)

Explore the PC88MR-10
Efficient and Flexible Performance

Efficient and Flexible Performance

根据他对PC138的经验,拉斐特称其为“kingpin”.” Obsidian used it for almost every task, starting with moving about 1,000 truckloads of dirt, then digging the three-acre water feature. The undertaking took 4,000 hours, 因为在低洼地区挖一个水坑需要不停地工作,所以要全班倒班.
LaFayette said it performed “almost like a small bulldozer.“它轻松地把泥土推到6英寸深的地方,还能把硬土挤得满满地. And he praised its heavy weight.

黑曜石岭场地的一个突出特点是大型岩石和树木的战略布局. Here again the PC138 excelled. Some of the boulders weighed 15,000 lbs. and the PC138 had no difficulties lifting or skidding them. 偶尔,他们会让PC88和PC138一起把较大的岩石搬到合适的地方. 最终,第一阶段安置了3000多吨天然岩石,种植了300多棵树.

But wasn’t all about the PC138. The PC88 was also such a versatile machine for its size, 随着第一期工程的完成,两台挖掘机的需求已经结束,决定出售哪一台是一个困难的决定.

黑曜石保留了PC88,因为它有铰接臂, and it’s a bit smaller, 哪一种适合狭窄的空间,但仍有很大的起重能力. 拉斐特说,有太多的操作是其他机器无法完成的.
Capital Cost Edge Over Renting

Capital Cost Edge Over Renting

With Phase 1 complete, Obsidian sold the PC138. They found it maintained an excellent resale value. LaFayette报告说,加上SMS设备提供的有吸引力的初始购买成本, the difference was just $20,尽管在两年的所有权积累了大量的小时数. 他估计,如果他租了这套公寓,他们的成本将是“五倍多”.”
Service and Support

Service and Support

He appreciated the unwavering support of SMS Equipment, 他说:“能得到这样的服务真的很高兴.这包括立即回答问题,比如,这是如何工作的? what might be wrong? or troubleshooting things that arise. 

Interested In This Excavator?


小松PC138和PC88挖掘机以及SMS设备的支持证明是黑曜石严格设备需求的最佳解决方案. 它最终实现了一对夫妇独特的商业愿景,现在准备好了第一个完整的运营季节. Ambitious expansion plans are in the works, 但黑曜石岭已经被预订为2020年夏季的每个周末.